A lot of us are applying behavioural insights to better understand and potentially change environmentally-relevant behaviours. Below are some area we are working in.

The effects of energy labels

Sejas-Portillo, R., Moro, M., & Stowasser, T. (2025). The Simpler the Better? Threshold Effects of Energy Labels on Property Prices and Energy Efficiency Investments. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 17(1), 41-89.


Lades, L. K., Kelly, A., & Kelleher, L. (2020). Why is active travel more satisfying than motorized travel? Evidence from Dublin. Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 136, 318-333.

Lowe, W. U. A., Lades, L., & Carroll, P. (2024). Personalizing travel behaviour change interventions using the trans-theoretical model and multimodality data. European Transport Research Review, 16(1), 45.

Pro-environmental behaviour

Lades, L. K., Laffan, K., & Weber, T. O. (2021). Do economic preferences predict pro-environmental behaviour?. Ecological Economics, 183, 106977.

Prinzing M, Lades LK, Weber TO, Fredrickson B & Laffan K (2024) Pro-environmental behaviors and well-being in everyday life. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 98, Art. No.: 102394.

Food consumption

Lades, L., & Nova, F. (2024). Ethical Considerations When Using Nudges to Reduce Meat Consumption: an Analysis Through the FORGOOD Ethics Framework. Journal of Consumer Policy, 47(1), 1-19.

Laffan, K., Lades, L. K., & Delaney, L. (2023). Paths that lead astray: Examining the situational predictors of intention-behaviour gaps in meat consumption. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 89, 102045.

Schlegel, I., Carstairs, S. A., & Ozakinci, G. (2021). The influence of supraliminal priming on energy density of food selection: a randomised control trial. BMC psychology9, 1-9.


Qian, C., Antonides, G., Zhu, X., Heerink, N., & Lades, L. K. (2024). Do economic preferences and personality traits influence fertilizer use? Evidence from rice farmers in eastern China. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 96, 102328.

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