Help Support Rigorous Science

From David Hardisty:

If you haven’t heard, Francesca Gino is suing the Data Colada researchers (Joe, Uri, and Leif) and Harvard for $25 million USD:

The lawsuit claims defamation related to Data Colada’s work detailing evidence of fraud across four papers:

Personally, I think Data Colada does an incredible service to our field and to science more broadly. But even if you disagree with their analysis, this lawsuit sets a dangerous precedent, potentially chilling scientific debate.

Juliana Schroeder put it well on Twitter: “Scientists who rigorously & carefully criticize research *should* be subject to verification (& even counter-criticism) but *shouldn’t* have to worry about paying $100k+ out of pocket”

Simine Vazire has set up a GoFundMe for Data Colada’s legal defense. I’ve donated, and I encourage you to donate as well:

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